do you supply grapes,
throughout the year!
We guarantee a constant supply of quality products, which will enable you to keep your customers happy and help you to increase your market share. We only work with certified companies and do have the latest IFS Broker certificate.
Our team of enthusiastic and skilled employees has an extensive product knowledge and will support you wherever they can from answering questions you may have on the products to packaging and transportation needs. We try to accommodate you at the best possible price.
At Orange DLS every customer is special. You can contact us from single pallets to full truck loads.
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At Orange Direct Load Service (D.L.S.) B.V. the focused customer approach has directly translated into a large group of loyal customers. They have found that the daily staff of Orange are giving them excellent support, which is reflected in smooth and professional order handling. When 'emergency' is required, additional action is swiftly taken to make sure all is done to meet the customer’s wishes .
Besides customers, we also highly value our suppliers. Naturally, we discuss with them market demands and also try to build long-lasting partnerships.
Through our indepth knowledge of the various products we offer, we can supply you with any information you may need. We do have contact with both large suppliers and producers of various specific products (groups).
Our extensive worldwide network benefits our customers.